Consultation/ Survey Title |
Organisation |
Closing Date |
Contact Name/Dept |
Email / Website / Further Info |
Equality Scheme and Audit of Inequalities Report/Action Plan 2022-26 |
The Northern Ireland Assembly Commission |
01/11/22 |
Equality & Good Relations Office |
equality@niassembly.gov.uk |
NI Peatland Strategy – EIA |
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs |
04/11/22 |
N/a |
Draft Corporate Plan 2023 -26 |
Probation Board for Northern Ireland |
10/11/22 |
Gail McGreevy |
info@probation-ni.gov.uk |
Draft 2023-2028 Corporate Plan |
Department of Education |
15/11/22 |
N/a |
Proposed new cemetery at Mullenan |
Derry City & Strabane District Council |
18/11/22 |
N/a |
Proposed Cemetery at Mullenan | Have Your Say Derry Strabane (engagementhq.com) |
Amending the Bread and Flour Regulations 1998 and the Bread and Flour Regulations (NI) 1998 |
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs |
23/11/22 |
N/a |
breadandflour2022@defra.gov.uk |
Water Efficiency Labelling |
Joint consultation with Scottish Gov, Welsh Gov, DfI and DAERA |
25/11/22 @ 17:00 |
N/a |
Devolution of more fiscal powers |
Department of Finance |
29/11/22 @ 18:00 |
Strategic Policy Division |
spd@finance-ni.gov.uk |
Draft Corporate Plan 2022/23 – 2024/25 and 2022/23 One Year Business Plan |
Housing Executive |
14/12/22 |
John Goudy |
business.performance@nihe.gov.uk |
Miscarriage Leave and Pay |
Department for the Economy |
19/12/22 @ 17:00 |
Miscarriage Leave and Pay Consultation Team |
mlpconsultation@economy-ni.gov.uk |
Coronial investigations into deaths abroad |
Department of Justice |
20/12/22 |
Civil and Family Courts Branch |
DOJCivilJusticePolicy.Division@justice-ni.gov.uk |
Abuse of Position of Trust Offences: Extension of the Law – A Call for Evidence |
Department of Justice |
22/12/22 |
Criminal Policy Unit |
CPB@justice-ni.gov.uk |
Increasing the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility in NI |
Department of Justice |
23/12/22 @ 00:01 |
Reducing Offending Division |
macrviews@justice-ni.gov.uk |
Changes to planning permitted development rights to protect the environment and help address climate change |
Department for Infrastructure |
23/12/22 |
DfI Regional Planning Directorate |
Legislation.Planning@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk |
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Strategy 2022 |
Department of Justice |
10/01/23 @ 23:59 |
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Branch |
MSHTEnquiries@justice-ni.gov.uk |
Proposed Amendments to the Human Trafficking and Exploitation Regulations 2016 |
Department of Health |
19/01/23 |
N/a |
fcpdadmin@health-ni.gov.uk. |
Support for Care Leavers |
Department of Health |
19/01/23 |
N/a |
adoption@health-ni.gov.uk |
Transitional Adoption Support Arrangements |
Department of Health |
19/01/23 @ 17:00 |
N/a |
adoption@health-ni.gov.uk |
Energy One Stop Shop Implementation Plan - Policy Options |
Department for the Economy |
20/01/23 @ 17:00 |
Energy Consumers team |
energyconsumers@economy-ni.gov.uk |
Future of Muckamore Abbey Hospital |
Department of Health |
24/01/23 |
Muckamore Abbey Review Team |
Public consultation on future of Muckamore Abbey Hospital | Department of Health (health-ni.gov.uk) |